OK0BEZ (70cm RPT) + OK1OEM-1 (2m APRS)
Radioamateur repeater OK0BEZ in city Žatec (JO60SH, 80km NW from Prague) is on QRG 439.275MHz FM (-7.6MHz/CTCSS 88.5Hz).
Channel RU742 (IARU handbook 6.00 ... RU000=430000 all in 12.5kHz). Power 5W PA.
Echolink number 206989 (short DTMF code 239 from others rpt in OK/OM).
Special Echolink air disconnect command is only *#.
APRS DIGI+IGATE OK1OEM-1 on 144.800MHz FM AFSK 1k2 to the same antenna as OK0BEZ via duplexer Diamond MX-72N.
OK1OEM-1 working on WRAP with Linux Voyage (cosysoping Luděk OK7RB) and TNC2 "homemade", TRX is Icom IC-F1010 with 5W PA.
Antenna for both OK0BEZ+OK1OEM-1 is Diamond X-510N (8x5/8 [11.7dBi] on 435MHz, 3x5/8 [8.3dBi] on 145MHz).
List of last connected Echolink stations.
Welcome voice from inet-Echolink
Welcome info text from inet-Echolink
System sponzoring:
DTMF Air Command (only CZ voice language, voice = Blanka OK1DIS XYL Milan OK1MX) :
##4 síla signálu v S-metru za kolik Vás převaděč bere (je v ňom cejchovaný A/D převodník)
##8 počet resetů...výpadků elektriky od posledního zresetování
##9 verze HW převaděče a hlasového modulu (hlasový modul je od Milana OK1FMF)
Forum and Last News about OK0BEZ (CZ Language)
Next, special info and files about OK0BEZ+OK1OEM-1
Short DTMF code for Echolink OK/OM repeaters from air OK/OM
Sysop OK0BEZ+OK1OEM-1 is Martin OK1MJO (cosysop Ludek OK7RB)
Main maps of repeaters in OK and OM
actual photographs RPT+APRS 08092011
SVXlink interface with hw DTMF decoder
Adjusted SVXinterface for RPT HIP2000-OK0BEZ (CZ lang)
Sysop settings for nodes -L and repeaters -R
Position repeater OK0BEZ and APRS DIGI+IGATE OK1OEM-1
About APRS in OK/OM (Czech and Slovakia)
Weather information city Zatec
Webcam city Zatec (city hall in the middle)
Levels and flows on watercourses - river Ohre (Stavy a průtoky na vodních tocích - Ohře)
Seismograms - Earthquake in OK (Seismogram a monitor zemětřesení v Česku)
Info about HW repeater type HIP2000 by Karel OK1DNH
Cover map: 3W handy TRX detail 6km
Cover map: 10W mobil TRX 120km
Cover map on 27MHz: 4W base TRX 300km